2016 GIA Functions & Activities


Date Functions & Activities
09-Dec-15 Annual Kickoff
14-Dec-15 PVCHK Award Banquet
28-Dec-15 GIA Seasons Greetings Party
30-Dec-15 MDRT Closing Celebration
24-Jan-16 樂施扶貧同樂行
12-Feb-16 CNY Luncheon hosted by Teresa So
17-Feb-16 Recruitment Kickoff
02-Mar-16 AIA Recruitment Roadshow
29-Apr-16 IARFC Seminar – 中國內地財富管理服務最新發展與趨勢
10-May-16 Caring Company Ceremony
16-May-16 Gia MDRT Dinner
17-Mar-16 2QTR Boost Camp
08-Jun-16 3QTR Boost Camp
1-3 Jun-16 GIA Internship Workshop
22-Jun-16 MDRT Fellowship – Kickoff
6-8 Jul-16 GIA Internship Workshop
20-Jul-16 MDRT Fellowship
27-Jul-16 GIA Internship Program – Image Building Workshop
24-Aug-16 MDRT Fellowship
02-Sep-16 4QTR Boost Camp
09-Sep-16 China School Scholarship
9,13,23-Sep-16, 7-Oct-16 CS Training Program (M1-M4)
21-Sep-16 MDRT Fellowship
5, 19-Oct-16 MDRT Fellowship
08-Oct-16 Flag Day
27-Oct-16 The Hong Kong Insurance Awards Ceremony cum Gala Dinner
9, 23-Nov-16 MDRT Fellowship
06-Dec-16 Annual Kickoff
7, 21-Dec-16 MDRT Fellowship
08-Dec-16 Action Planning Meeting
12-Dec-16 生命傳愛行動之幸福澡堂慈善首影
Every Monday Monday Morning Meeting
Every Tue & Thu New Associates’ Training
Every 2nd Mon of month Birthday Party
Every 3rd Thu of month Sales Leaders Meeting
Every 2nd Thu of month Senior Sales Leaders Meeting
Every 1st Wed of month GIA Toastmaster Club

[    ] – Charity Events

General International Agency Limited